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If you encounter an error of type NET: ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID, then follow these methods to resolve most NET errors on your devices.

Best wishes to all blog seekers. I hope everyone is doing well. Are you here to find out the topic of the day? Okay, can you then guess what the topic is, or can you even guess what topic it relates to. Ha ha, sorry if I confused you. It was a small act, just for fun. Yes, let’s get acquainted with the topic of the day and let me clear up your confusion. In this section, I talk about NET correction methods: ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID Error.

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Don’t worry if you are a website owner and you come across the problem of creating an account with NET : Startup error: ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID. We are ready to help you overcome this setback. This article explains what the NET message is: and why it appears: Error ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID. We may also have different ways of handling this error.


What is a specific word in the SSL certificate, why and how do I fix it NET: ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID ?

The usual name for your domain name in the SSL certificate is your web address. For example, your domain name would be B. if you want to encrypt the site with an SSL certificate.

You can see all the usual site options, WWW and non-WWW. A subdomain such as can also be an ordinary name.

What are the other word names and placeholders?

  • com.
  • and
  • and

The common name can be the same as your web address and search screen. Common name errors occur when the name of the SSL certificate is not included in the search/address bar of the website address.

Why does Chrome display NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID?

A false wildcard name occurs when the SSL domain is not specified (whether it is a wildcard name, another subject name, or a wildcard). This is not the name of a domain built on SSL. It’s like wearing the wrong hat on your blog.

Apart from the possible causes of NET : There are other explanations for the appearance of this message, for example. B. an incorrect directory : Error ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID.

NET removal process: : ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID Error

You must first determine the nature of the error. You can easily use any of these methods as a solution if you consider the reason:

Check if the domain is correctly installed with thecertificate

The most frequently mentioned cause is an error in NET : ERR CERT INVALID COMMON NAME. If the domain for which the certificate was issued is not in the file, the file does not match the domain.

The best way to verify that the certificate is validated and that data is transferred is to link to the domain where the certificate is installed. However, for certificates for SANs and wildcards, as mentioned above, you can search the SAN list (or search to see if the certificate domain is configured to meet the requirements covered by the certificate) on a per certificate basis.

WWW vs. non-WWW, check for discrepancies

Determine if your browser is causing visitors to click through to another version of your site. If yes, the settings are changed to disable the switch. It may be necessary to purchase a certificate to protect the domain to which you are redirecting traffic, if such redirection is necessary.

You can also see if the traffic is directed to the updated site or the non-WW domain. This is relevant because WWW and non-WW versions of the web server are not protected by each SSL certificate; you must validate the certificate on each version of the domain you are borrowing money from.

Enter the correct address setting for your location

Users also confuse the secure URL and change their site’s protocol from insecure HTTP to secure HTTP without purchasing and downloading an SSL certificate. When you click Save Changes, the following NET: message appears: ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID. Fortunately, to get rid of this error message, you can quickly restore the old URL.

You can then go back to the general settings of your WordPress account, if you have a WordPress platform, and search for the URL. If you access the secure version without purchasing or downloading an SSL certificate (for example, by adding the letter s to an HTTP site), an error occurs.

Configure URL data in your hosting through phpMyAdmin

You want to access the dashboard until you address your WordPress settings without a secure version (HTTPS). In most cases, you won’t even have access to the Login tab. For beginners, this is the worst option. Now it’s time to experiment with your hosting files.

  • Click on the phpMyAdmin link to go to the cPanel.
  • And then navigate to the desired database. (Note: make sure you select the correct location on different sites).
  • Now you need to select WP Options – here you can edit the plugins and WordPress theme settings (select Wp Options).
  • You select the URL and the home URL to edit the site. The web address must be the same in both places. After accidentally changing your URL in the WordPress settings panel, you can indirectly access the settings and change your username.
  • Update URL. You must switch your domain to HTTPS if you want to use a secure protocol with the appropriate SSL certificate. You must change HTTPS to HTTP before implementing SSL if you do not already have SSL and a privacy error occurs.
  • Be sure to save your changes after you edit the URL. After you make the improvements, verify that the changes are correct on your site using Chrome’s incognito URL window.

Date of test

Are the date and time settings on your system correct? Often small things, like setting the wrong time and date, can cause serious problems on your computer. This fundamental flaw can be remedied immediately.

Disable antivirus

Web pages can be damaged by antivirus programs or firewalls. Check that https scanning is disabled in the antivirus programs. The only solution is to disable the software if there is no other alternative.

These are the main methods to solve the NET problem: ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID and here the above description will help you and the users to find the root cause and the ideal solution.


1 . Is it possible to solve the NET problem: ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID Problem?

Yes, these are the methods described above and it can be fixed, no worries.

  1. If one of the methods doesn’t work, what should you do?

You should move on to the next method, because the problem occurs for different reasons, and those reasons require a number of different ways to solve it.

  1. Do you need a lot of skills to solve the problem?

No ordinary connoisseur or ordinary man can NET it: Fix the problem: ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID Problem.

These are the questions most often asked by a large number of users, and the answers come from several experienced people and from my own experience. As a result, answers will be more informed and accurate. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments section.


If you purchase SSL licenses but do not install them correctly, you will encounter SSL/HTTPS errors and security warnings from Google Chrome. One of them, when trying to install the link, is NET: ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID.

What could be the cause? Any attempt to access the site may be due to server configuration errors and failures of third party Chrome extensions or security software.

Thanks Geeks, I hope all this information is very valuable for you and if not, please send me a comment on your problem, I will show the best solution for this problem. That’s it folks, have a great day in life. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments section.

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